Once upon a time, there was a huge dinosaur named Rex. He lived in a colorful forest filled with tall trees and sparkling waterfalls.
Where did Rex live?
Rex loved playing hide and seek with the animals in the forest. One day, he saw a group of children playing nearby and wanted to join them.
What game did Rex want to play with the children?
But the children were scared of Rex. They thought he would chase them and be mean. Rex felt sad and wanted to show them he was friendly.
Why were the children scared of Rex?
Rex decided to approach the children slowly, with a smile on his face. He gently patted one child on the back, and the child giggled.
How did Rex approach the children?
The children realized that Rex was not scary at all. They started playing hide and seek with him and had so much fun.
How did the children feel after playing with Rex?
From that day on, Rex and the children became the best of friends. They played together every day, teaching each other new games and sharing lots of laughter.
What did Rex and the children do every day?
The end.
What happened at the end of the story?
Reflection Questions