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Doing the Laundry

Mom and Dad wash dirty clothes together.

Wearing a pink apron, with a cheerful smile and Wearing a blue shirt, with a playful grin washing clothes with smiles

Mom separates white and colored clothes.

Wearing a pink apron, with a cheerful smile sorting clothes into two piles

Dad adds detergent and starts the washing machine.

Wearing a blue shirt, with a playful grin pouring detergent and pressing buttons

Mom and Dad fold and put away clean clothes.

Wearing a pink apron, with a cheerful smile and Wearing a blue shirt, with a playful grin folding clothes and putting them away

They laugh and talk while doing their chores.

Wearing a pink apron, with a cheerful smile and Wearing a blue shirt, with a playful grin laughing and talking while working

They teach me how to sort clothes by color.

Wearing a pink apron, with a cheerful smile and Wearing a blue shirt, with a playful grin teaching me how to sort clothes

I help Mom fold and put away the socks.

I helping Wearing a pink apron, with a cheerful smile fold and organize socks

We feel proud of our clean and tidy home.

Wearing a pink apron, with a cheerful smile, Wearing a blue shirt, with a playful grin, and I hugging in front of clean home

Reflection Questions

  • How did Mom and Dad feel while doing the laundry?
  • What did they teach me about sorting clothes?
  • Why did we feel proud of our home?

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