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Ella's Adventure in New York
La aventura de Ella en Nueva York
Ella was excited for her trip to New York. She was staying in a big hotel with her family. Ella estaba emocionada por su viaje a Nueva York. Se alojaba en un gran hotel con su familia.
Introduction to Young girl, curly brown hair, green eyes and her excitement for the trip, hotel setting.
One day, Ella went out to explore Manhattan. She wanted to see the tall buildings and shops. Un día, Ella salió a explorar Manhattan. Quería ver los edificios altos y las tiendas.
Young girl, curly brown hair, green eyes goes out in Manhattan, tall buildings and shops.
She walked and walked, looking at all the amazing sights. But soon, she realized she was lost. Caminó y caminó, contemplando todas las vistas increíbles. Pero pronto se dio cuenta de que estaba perdida.
Young girl, curly brown hair, green eyes realizes she's lost after exploring Manhattan.
Ella decided to take the subway back to her hotel. She thought it would be easy. Ella decidió tomar el metro de regreso a su hotel. Ella pensó que sería fácil.
Young girl, curly brown hair, green eyes chooses to use the subway, thinks it's an easy solution.
But she got off at the wrong station. The streets all looked different, and she was confused. Pero se bajó en la estación equivocada. Todas las calles parecían diferentes y ella estaba confundida.
Young girl, curly brown hair, green eyes gets off at the wrong subway station, unfamiliar streets.
Then, a man started to follow her. He was getting closer and Ella felt scared. Entonces, un hombre comenzó a seguirla. Se estaba acercando y Ella se sintió asustada.
An unknown man follows Young girl, curly brown hair, green eyes, feeling of fear.
Ella tried to call her friend, but her mobile phone had run out of battery. Ella intentó llamar a su amiga, pero su teléfono móvil se había quedado sin batería.
Young girl, curly brown hair, green eyes's phone battery runs out, she can't call her friend.
She saw a small shop and ran inside. The shopkeeper looked kind. Vio una pequeña tienda y entró corriendo. El comerciante parecía amable.
Young girl, curly brown hair, green eyes runs into a shop, meets a kind shopkeeper.
Ella asked the shopkeeper for help. She explained that she was lost and scared. Ella le pidió ayuda al comerciante. Explicó que estaba perdida y asustada.
Young girl, curly brown hair, green eyes explains her situation to the shopkeeper.
The shopkeeper smiled. He said, 'Don't worry. I will help you get back.' El comerciante sonrió. Él dijo: 'No te preocupes. Te ayudaré a regresar.'
The shopkeeper offers help to Young girl, curly brown hair, green eyes.
The shopkeeper showed Ella how to get to the right subway station. El comerciante le mostró a Ella cómo llegar a la estación de metro correcta.
Older man, kind eyes, gray hair gives directions to the correct subway station.
Ella followed his directions and soon she was back at her hotel safely. She learned to be more careful next time. Ella siguió sus instrucciones y pronto regresó sana y salva a su hotel. Aprendió a tener más cuidado la próxima vez.
Young girl, curly brown hair, green eyes gets back to the hotel safely, learns a lesson about being careful.

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