Once upon a time, in a far-off galaxy, there was an alien named Zorblax. Zorblax was on a mission to find a new home for his species and decided to visit Earth. As he landed on Earth, he was captivated by the beauty and diversity of the planet. His first destination was the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, where he met Spinoza, a wise old traveler who shared the benefits of living in the present moment and appreciating the wonders of the world.
Next, Zorblax traveled to the Eiffel Tower in Paris, where he encountered Martin, a cheerful and optimistic individual. Martin explained the importance of positivity and self-development, inspiring Zorblax with his wise words. Excited, Zorblax continued his journey to the Colosseum in Rome.
Arriving at the Colosseum, Zorblax met Marie, an artist filled with curiosity and creativity. Marie shared her passion for exploration and the benefits of being curious about the world. Zorblax was fascinated by her stories and was eager to explore more wonders on Earth.
Zorblax's journey took him to the Taj Mahal in India, where he encountered Dale, a compassionate and empathetic communicator. Dale emphasized the importance of communication skills and empathy, teaching Zorblax valuable lessons about understanding others. With newfound knowledge, Zorblax set off to see the Great Wall of China.
At the Great Wall of China, Zorblax met Mark, a thoughtful and discerning individual. Mark shared the principles of choosing what to give attention to and the significance of self-worth. Zorblax pondered over these wise words as he continued his expedition, feeling enlightened by his encounters.
Leaving China, Zorblax ventured to Chichen Itza in Mexico, where he met David, a determined and disciplined explorer. David taught Zorblax about perseverance, self-discipline, and motivation, inspiring him to continue his quest with renewed determination. Zorblax was grateful for the valuable lessons.
Finally, Zorblax arrived in Brazil at the Christ the Redeemer statue and met Robert, a successful and accomplished individual. Robert had mastered all the previous lessons and added a healthy ambition with a theme of positive communication, without directly using the word. Zorblax was amazed by Robert's wisdom and felt ready to make his decision.
Reflection Questions