Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Goldilocks.
One day, Goldilocks was walking in the woods and she came across a house.
Curious, Goldilocks went inside the house and saw three bowls of porridge on the table.
The first bowl was too hot, the second bowl was too cold, but the third bowl was just right.
After eating the porridge, Goldilocks felt tired and saw three chairs in the living room.
The first chair was too hard, the second chair was too soft, but the third chair was just right.
Now feeling cozy, Goldilocks went upstairs and found three beds in the bedroom.
The first bed was too firm, the second bed was too bouncy, but the third bed was just right.
Suddenly, the three bears who lived there came home.
Goldilocks was scared and ran outside as fast as she could.
Reflection Questions