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Hamza and His Temper

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Hamza.

A little boy with messy black hair, a little boy with messy black hair

Hamza had a big problem - he had a temper!

A little boy with messy black hair, pulling his hair and making an angry face

When things didn't go his way, he would stomp his feet and yell.

A little boy with messy black hair, stomping his feet and yelling with pink cheeks

One day, Hamza's friends didn't want to play with him.

A little boy with messy black hair, looking sad while his friends play without him

Hamza realized his temper was pushing everyone away.

A little boy with messy black hair, with a worried expression and a lightbulb above his head

He decided to learn how to control his temper.

A little boy with messy black hair, practicing deep breaths and counting to ten

With patience and practice, Hamza learned to stay calm.

A little boy with messy black hair, smiling with friends and holding their hands

From that day on, Hamza's temper was no more!

A little boy with messy black hair, happily playing with friends under a rainbow

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Hamza have a big temper?
  • What did Hamza do when he realized his temper was a problem?
  • How did Hamza feel after learning to control his temper?

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