Once upon a time, there was a cute little cat named Whiskers. Whiskers loved to eat all kinds of food, but his favorite was sticky rice. One day, Whiskers found a big bowl of sticky rice on the kitchen counter. It smelled so delicious that he couldn't resist. He jumped up and started gobbling it up!
As Whiskers ate the sticky rice, he realized that it was getting stuck to his paws. He tried to shake it off, but it just made a bigger mess. Whiskers started walking around the house, leaving a trail of sticky rice behind him.
Whiskers' sticky paws made everything he touched sticky too. He accidentally stuck a toy car to his paw and couldn't get it off. Whiskers tried to play with the toy car, but it kept getting stuck to his fur. He looked like a funny cat covered in sticky rice and toys!
Whiskers' owner, Lily, saw the mess Whiskers had made. She giggled and said, 'Oh, Whiskers, you are such a silly cat!' Lily gently cleaned Whiskers' paws and fur, making sure he was no longer sticky. Whiskers felt much better and gave Lily a grateful purr.
From that day on, Whiskers learned that sticky rice was not the best food for him. He stuck to his regular cat food and left the sticky rice for humans to enjoy. And whenever Whiskers saw sticky rice, he remembered the funny adventure he had and smiled.
Reflection Questions