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Jack's Galactic Adventure

Jack was a boy who lived in Toronto.

Boy with curly brown hair and a red cape in a city with tall buildings

One day, Jack discovered he could fly.

Boy with curly brown hair and a red cape flying with a astonished expression

He flew higher and higher until he reached a distant galaxy.

Boy with curly brown hair and a red cape flying through space with stars around him

In this galaxy, Jack met an alien named Zog.

Boy with curly brown hair and a red cape and Alien with green skin, yellow eyes, and three arms standing on a colorful alien planet

Zog had green skin, yellow eyes, and three arms.

Alien with green skin, yellow eyes, and three arms with green skin, yellow eyes, and three arms

Jack and Zog became best friends and explored the galaxy together.

Boy with curly brown hair and a red cape and Alien with green skin, yellow eyes, and three arms laughing while exploring the galaxy

They saw planets with purple trees and orange oceans.

Boy with curly brown hair and a red cape and Alien with green skin, yellow eyes, and three arms amazed by purple trees and orange oceans

Eventually, Jack had to go back home to Toronto.

Boy with curly brown hair and a red cape saying goodbye to Alien with green skin, yellow eyes, and three arms with a sad face

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