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A aventura artística de Enzo
Este é o Enzo. Ele tem dez anos, cabelo castanho escuro e pele negra. Ele é superinteligente e pode desenhar tudo o que imaginar.

Imagine you're drawing a big, beautiful sun.

Introduce Smart boy, 10 years, dark brown hair, black skin, loves drawing, smart boy who loves drawing, bright room with paper and crayons.
Tia Leina é a parceira de desenho preferida de Enzo. Eles costumam se reunir, rindo e compartilhando histórias.

Pretend you're drawing with a friend, sharing crayons.

Smart boy, 10 years, dark brown hair, black skin, loves drawing and Enzo's aunt, enjoys quiet, loves sharing stories with Enzo drawing, filled with joy and art supplies around.
Cada vez que eles jogam o jogo de desenho, as fotos de Enzo são incríveis. Até a tia Leina se surpreende com o talento dele!

Show off your best drawing with pride.

Smart boy, 10 years, dark brown hair, black skin, loves drawing showing a drawing to Smart boy, 10 years, dark brown hair, black skin, loves drawing's aunt, enjoys quiet, loves sharing stories with Smart boy, 10 years, dark brown hair, black skin, loves drawing, pride and surprise on her face.
Às vezes, Enzo fica tão animado que grita e fala muito alto sem perceber.

Cover your ears as if something is too loud.

Smart boy, 10 years, dark brown hair, black skin, loves drawing yelling in excitement, Enzo's aunt, enjoys quiet, loves sharing stories with Enzo seems a bit startled.
Algumas pessoas como a tia do Enzo precisam de um momento de silêncio. Essa é a maneira deles de aproveitar o tempo.

Press a finger to your lips, asking for a quiet space.

Introduce Smart boy, 10 years, black skin, loves drawing, smart boy who loves drawing, bright room with paper and crayons. With woman white
Nem todo mundo quer jogar da mesma forma que Enzo e às vezes precisa de espaço pessoal.

Hug yourself to show needing a little space.

Introduce Smart boy, 10 years, black skin, loves drawing, smart boy who loves drawing, bright room with paper and crayons.
Há momentos em que outras pessoas querem falar sobre seus interesses ou jogar de forma diferente.

Nod as if you're listening to someone's story.

Enzo's aunt, enjoys quiet, loves sharing stories with Enzo sharing a book with Smart boy, 10 years, dark brown hair, black skin, loves drawing, Smart boy, 10 years, dark brown hair, black skin, loves drawing listening attentively.
Enzo pode respeitar os desejos dos outros falando sobre o que eles gostam ou jogando como preferem.

Play as if you're with someone else’s favorite toy.

Smart boy, 10 years, dark brown hair, black skin, loves drawing and a friend playing with dolls, Smart boy, 10 years, dark brown hair, black skin, loves drawing is attentive and respectful.
Quando Enzo faz isso, as pessoas se sentem confortáveis com ele e gostam de sua companhia.

Laugh as if you just heard a funny joke.

Smart boy, 10 years, dark brown hair, black skin, loves drawing and his friends laughing together, everyone seems happy.
Mais tarde, eles podem querer ouvir sobre os desenhos de Enzo e jogar o jogo de desenho com ele!

Act as if you're explaining how you created something.

Friends showing interest in Smart boy, 10 years, dark brown hair, black skin, loves drawing's drawings, Smart boy, 10 years, dark brown hair, black skin, loves drawing excitedly explaining.
Aprendendo a se revezar, Enzo e seus amigos gostam de compartilhar e cuidar dos gostos uns dos outros.

Take turns with someone showing your favorite thing.

Smart boy, 10 years, dark brown hair, black skin, loves drawing and friends each taking turns showing something they love.
No final, todos ficam felizes quando respeitam o espaço e os interesses uns dos outros, assim como Enzo aprendeu.

Give a thumbs-up to show everyone is happy and content.

Smart boy, 10 years, dark brown hair, black skin, loves drawing and friends sitting in a circle, content and smiling.

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