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A aventura de Guadalupe em Lisboa
Guadalupe tem um chapéu.
Young girl with dark hair and brown eyes, wearing a red hat standing in her room, excited, holding a hat.
Ela faz uma mala.
Young girl with dark hair and brown eyes, wearing a red hat is packing clothes and a toy in her backpack.
Mom says, 'Vamos a Lisboa!'
Young girl with dark hair and brown eyes, wearing a red hat's mom is smiling, holding out her hand.
Guadalupe assente e sorri.
Close-up of Young girl with dark hair and brown eyes, wearing a red hat, nodding and smiling confidently.
Eles entram em um ônibus.
Young girl with dark hair and brown eyes, wearing a red hat and her mom are boarding a colorful bus.
Guadalupe dá adeus.
Young girl with dark hair and brown eyes, wearing a red hat waves out of the bus window, looking happy.
Ela vê barcos grandes.
Looking out from the bus, big boats are visible on the water.
Ela vê torres altas.
View of tall towers in Lisbon, from Young girl with dark hair and brown eyes, wearing a red hat's perspective on the bus.
O ônibus para. Eles descem.
The bus is at a stop in Lisbon, and they are stepping off.
Guadalupe se diverte.
Young girl with dark hair and brown eyes, wearing a red hat is exploring sights in Lisbon, with a big smile.
É hora de ir para casa.
Sun is setting, Young girl with dark hair and brown eyes, wearing a red hat looks content but ready to leave.
Guadalupe mal pode esperar para voltar.
Back on the bus, Young girl with dark hair and brown eyes, wearing a red hat is looking back at Lisbon excitedly.

Perguntas para reflexão

  • Como você acha que Guadalupe se sentiu ao ir para Lisboa com a mãe?
  • O que podemos fazer para nos sentirmos confiantes como Guadalupe quando tentamos coisas novas?
  • Porque acha que Guadalupe quer voltar para Lisboa?

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