Once upon a time, there was a brave father named Jack and his son Alex. They lived in a cozy cottage near a big forest.
Who are the main characters in the story?
One sunny morning, Jack and Alex decided to go on a brave adventure together. They put on their hats and packed some snacks.
What did Jack and Alex pack for their adventure?
As they walked through the forest, they came across a big river. They needed to cross it but didn't know how.
What did they come across in the forest?
Jack carefully listened to the sound of the water and remembered a story his grandmother had told him long ago.
What did Jack do when he heard the sound of the water?
He told Alex about a magical bridge made by friendly fairies that would appear if they said the secret word 'listen'.
What did Jack tell Alex about?
So, they both shouted the secret word 'listen' as loud as they could, and miraculously, a beautiful bridge appeared!
What happened when they shouted the secret word 'listen'?
They crossed the bridge together and continued on their adventure, feeling proud of their good listening skills.
How did they feel after crossing the bridge?
Finally, after a long and exciting day, Jack and Alex returned home, knowing that they could conquer any challenge by listening carefully.
What did they learn from their adventure?
Reflection Questions