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A Curious Visit to Bear Cottage

In a cozy forest, Goldilocks stumbled upon a charming cottage.

Curious girl, golden hair, blue eyes, wearing a red cloak discovers the Bear's cottage in the forest.

Curiosity twinkled in her eyes. She knocked gently, waiting. No answer.

Curious girl, golden hair, blue eyes, wearing a red cloak is curious and knocks on the cottage door.

The door creaked open. 'Hello?' she called. The house whispered back silence.

Curious girl, golden hair, blue eyes, wearing a red cloak finds the door unlocked and calls inside.

A delightful smell led her to three steaming bowls of porridge on the table.

She smells porridge and finds three bowls on the table.

The first bowl burned her tongue, 'Ouch!' The second too cold, she frowned.

Curious girl, golden hair, blue eyes, wearing a red cloak tastes the first two bowls, finding them too hot and too cold.

The third was just right. Happily munching, she didn't notice her intrusion.

Curious girl, golden hair, blue eyes, wearing a red cloak enjoys the third bowl, unaware that she's intruding.

Then, Goldilocks saw three chairs. 'I'll rest,' she thought, approaching the largest one.

She sees three chairs and tries the largest first.

It was too high. The next, too soft. But the small chair felt perfect!

She tries two chairs before finding the small one comfortable.

CRACK! The chair broke. 'Oh no!' she gasped, looking at the pieces.

The small chair breaks under Curious girl, golden hair, blue eyes, wearing a red cloak.

Upstairs, tiredness nudged her. Three beds awaited. 'I'll just lie down a bit,' she yawned.

Feeling tired, she goes upstairs and sees three beds.

The first bed was a mountain, too hard. The second, a cloud, too soft.

Curious girl, golden hair, blue eyes, wearing a red cloak finds the first two beds uncomfortable.

Snuggled in the third, she sighed softly, drifting to dreams in the just-right bed.

The third bed is comfortable, and she falls asleep.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Goldilocks felt when she realized she was alone in the house?
  • Why is it important to respect others' privacy and belongings?
  • What should Goldilocks have done differently when she found the empty cottage?

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