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A Day on the Farm

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy who went to visit a farm.

A young boy with short brown hair and blue eyes standing outside a big red barn with cows and chickens nearby.

Timmy walked around the farm and saw a cow. The cow was big and brown with white spots.

A young boy with short brown hair and blue eyes next to a big brown cow with white spots in a grassy field.

Next, Timmy spotted some chickens. They were pecking at the ground and clucking.

A young boy with short brown hair and blue eyes near a group of chickens scratching the dirt and making noise.

As Timmy kept exploring, he found a sheep. The sheep had fluffy white wool.

A young boy with short brown hair and blue eyes beside a fluffy white sheep in a green pasture.

Finally, Timmy came across some pigs. They were rolling in the mud and oinking happily.

A young boy with short brown hair and blue eyes laughing at some pigs covered in mud and making funny sounds.

After a fun day on the farm, Timmy went home with a big smile and many happy memories.

A young boy with short brown hair and blue eyes waving goodbye to the farm, with the barn and animals in the background.

Reflection Questions

  • What animals did Timmy see on the farm?
  • What color was the cow?
  • What were the pigs doing?

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