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A Day with Confident Sam
يوم مع سام واثق
Every morning, Sam wakes up bright and early. كل صباح ، يستيقظ سام مبكرًا.
He brushes his teeth and gets dressed quickly. ينظف أسنانه ويرتدي ملابسه بسرعة.
Sam eats a healthy breakfast with his family. سام يأكل فطورًا صحيًا مع عائلته.
At school, Sam raises his hand to answer questions. في المدرسة ، يرفع سام يده للإجابة على الأسئلة.
During recess, Sam confidently tries new things on the playground. أثناء الاستراحة ، يحاول Sam بثقة القيام بأشياء جديدة في الملعب.
After school, Sam helps his mom with chores. بعد المدرسة ، يساعد سام والدته في الأعمال المنزلية.
At bedtime, Sam feels proud of his day and falls asleep with a smile. في وقت النوم ، يشعر سام بالفخر بيومه وينام بابتسامة.
Reflection Questions
How does Sam start his day?
What does Sam do when he has a question at school?
How does Sam feel at bedtime?
Have any feedback or suggestions? We're always looking for
ways to improve!