In a world of shadows, where spirits roam, There's a tale to be told for teenagers at home. With bones that rattle and whispers in the night, Let me share with you a ghostly delight. Once upon a midnight, eerie and cold, There lived a wise spirit, wise and bold. Not like Casper, but a ghost named Fred, A guide for teens, where secrets are spread.
In an ancient mansion, Fred made his lair, Haunting the halls, with a mischievous flair. He'd sneak into rooms when the clock struck three, With a subtle whisper saying, "Come, follow me." Fred would lead them to a room atmospheric, Filled with stories strange and esoteric. From the noble specter, they'd learn about life, And unravel mysteries, both joyous and strife.
He'd teach of friendships that echoed through time, And how to find courage when you feel like you're prime. The ghost shared tales of love and heartbreak, Guided them through choices wise to make. On moonlit nights, Fred would sing by their side, Songs that revealed secrets they couldn't hide. He'd tell them tales from a century ago, Of brave souls and legends, oh, the stories would flow.
Together, they'd dance through spectral dreams, Whispering secrets in moonlit moonbeams. Fred sprinkled advice, like stars in the sky, Helping them soar high, as their teenage years fly. And when the dawn broke, dreams forged and grown, The teenagers braver, their hearts fully known. Embracing their destiny, with spirits anew, Fred the ghost cheering, "My dear friends, you'll pull through!"
So, when the moon shines, and the clock strikes late, Remember the ghost, guiding your fate. With wisdom and humor, he'll never be far, And the stories he shared, will shine like a star.
Reflection Questions