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A Gratidão do Rei Perdido
The Lost King's Gratitude
O jovem rei Dante, sai do seu enorme e luxuoso castelo, porém ele vê alguns homens de aparência suspeita meio que escondidos na floresta, então ele se desvia do caminho e termina se perdendo na floresta, fica caminhando em círculo, começa a marcar o caminho e as árvores para se localizar, mas não consegue voltar para seu castelo, ele resolve buscar um caminho diferente e termina chegando em uma pequena vila. The young king Dante leaves his huge and luxurious castle, but he sees some suspicious-looking men hiding in the forest, so he deviates from the path and ends up getting lost in the forest, he walks in a circle, starts marking the path and the trees to find his way, but he is unable to return to his castle, he decides to look for a different path and ends up arriving in a small village.
Middle-aged king, gray beard, light brown eyes, majestic attire of a king, starting an accidental journey
Ele já havia passado com sua tropa por ali, ele acha um garoto, menino muito bonito, educado, ele pergunta seu nome e ele responde sou Dylan, ele se apresenta como Dante e pergunta se tem alguém ali naquela vila que ele conheça que tenha uma carroça ou um cavalo para lhe emprestar e o menino que visivelmente entende que ele é uma pessoa importante e que não é da vila e nem das redondezas, leva até os seus pais que são camponeses simples, uma casa simples, mas tudo muito organizado e limpo, eles reconhecem o rei e o chamam para entrar, pedem desculpas pela simplicidade de tudo e a mãe lhe oferece um chá ou café, ele um pouco desconsertado aceita um chá, assim que a mãe vai fazer o chá, seguiram com a mãe as duas irmãs de Dylan, Donna e Diana, Donna é a mais velha, tem 11 anos e Diana a caçula, tem 5 aninhos, são duas ruivas lindas e de olhos claros. He had already passed by with his troop, he found a boy, a very handsome, polite boy, he asked his name and he replied I was Dylan, he introduced himself as Dante and asked if there was anyone there in that village that he knew who had a cart or a horse to lend him and the boy who visibly understands that he is an important person and that he is not from the village or the surrounding area, takes him to his parents who are simple peasants, a simple house, but everything is very organized and clean , they recognize the king and call him in, they apologize for the simplicity of everything and the mother offers him tea or coffee, he, a little disconcerted, accepts some tea, as soon as the mother goes to make the tea, they both follow with their mother Dylan's sisters, Donna and Diana, Donna is the oldest, 11 years old and Diana is the youngest, 5 years old, they are two beautiful redheads with light eyes.
He had already passed by with his troop, he found a boy, a very handsome, polite boy, he asked his name and he replied I was Dylan, he introduced himself as Dante and asked if there was anyone there in that village that he knew who had a cart or a horse to lend him and the boy who visibly understands that he is an important person and that he is not from the village or the surrounding area, takes him to his parents who are simple peasants, a simple house, but everything is very organized and clean , they recognize the king and call him in, they apologize for the simplicity of everything and the mother offers him tea or coffee, he, a little disconcerted, accepts some tea, as soon as the mother goes to make the tea, they both follow with their mother Dylan's sisters, Donna and Diana, Donna is the oldest, 11 years old and Diana is the youngest, 5 years old, they are two beautiful redheads with light eyes.
Lá ele conheceu um garoto chamado Dylan, que carregava um sorriso gentil e uma aura de educação. Em meio ao seu desconforto, o rei achou o comportamento de Dylan reconfortante. There, he met a boy named Dylan, who carried a kind smile and an aura of politeness. In the midst of his unease, the king found Dylan's demeanor reassuring.
Introduction of Youthful boy, brown hair, green eyes, modest clothes, a kind and polite boy.
Buscando ajuda, o Rei Dalton se aproximou do menino. Sem hesitar, Dylan concordou em ajudar o governante perdido a encontrar o caminho de volta. Seeking assistance, King Dalton approached the boy. Without hesitation, Dylan agreed to help the lost ruler find his way back.
Dalton asks for help, Youthful boy, brown hair, green eyes, modest clothes willingly offers aid.
Guiados por Dylan, chegaram a uma humilde cabana. Lá, Dylan apresentou o rei à sua família, que cumprimentou Dalton com carinho e hospitalidade. Guided by Dylan, they arrived at a humble cottage. There, Dylan introduced the king to his family, who greeted Dalton with warmth and hospitality.
Youthful boy, brown hair, green eyes, modest clothes leads Dalton home, family welcomes the king.
O pai de Dylan rapidamente ofereceu sua carroça para devolver o rei perdido ao seu castelo. Com um leve aceno de cabeça, o burro começou a caminhar penosamente para casa. Dylan's father quickly offered his donkey cart to return the lost king to his castle. With a gentle nod, the donkey began to plod the way home.
Youthful boy, brown hair, green eyes, modest clothes's father lends a donkey cart to the king.
Quando os portões do castelo surgiram, o coração do rei Dalton se encheu de gratidão. Ele prometeu recompensar a família de Dylan por sua gentileza. As the castle gates came into view, King Dalton's heart filled with gratitude. He promised to reward Dylan's family for their kindness.
Returning to the castle, Dalton feels grateful.
Logo depois, o Rei Dalton convidou toda a família de Dylan para seu castelo. Eles ficaram surpresos com sua grandiosidade e se sentiram honrados em jantar com a realeza. Soon after, King Dalton invited Dylan's entire family to his castle. They were astonished by its grandeur and felt honored to dine with royalty.
Dalton invites Youthful boy, brown hair, green eyes, modest clothes's family to the castle.
Impressionado com o caráter de Dylan, o rei decidiu financiar a educação de Dylan e de suas duas irmãs, garantindo que seu futuro fosse brilhante. Impressed by Dylan's character, the king decided to fund the education of Dylan and his two sisters, ensuring their future would be bright.
King funds Youthful boy, brown hair, green eyes, modest clothes and sisters' studies, showing appreciation.
A família de Dylan recebeu uma casa perto do castelo, permitindo que um forte vínculo entre o rei e a família humilde florescesse ao longo dos anos. Dylan's family was given a house near the castle, allowing a strong bond between the king and the humble family to flourish over the years.
Youthful boy, brown hair, green eyes, modest clothes's family gets a house near the castle, bonds grow.
À medida que King Dalton envelhecia, ele viu em Dylan as qualidades de um verdadeiro líder. Com o coração pesado pelas perdas passadas, ele escolheu Dylan como seu herdeiro. As King Dalton grew old, he saw in Dylan the qualities of a true leader. With a heavy heart from past loss, he chose Dylan as his heir.
Dalton sees a leader in Youthful boy, brown hair, green eyes, modest clothes, chooses him as heir.
Dylan aceitou com humildade. Eventualmente, ele se casou com a princesa Manuella e eles foram abençoados com um filho a quem chamaram de David, em homenagem ao falecido herdeiro real. Dylan accepted with humility. Eventually, he married Princess Manuella and they were blessed with a son whom they named David, honoring the late royal heir.
Youthful boy, brown hair, green eyes, modest clothes marries, has a child, honors late royal family.

Perguntas para reflexão

  • Quando King Dalton se perdeu, Dylan e sua família o ajudaram sem esperar nada em troca. Imagine que você conhece alguém que precisa de ajuda, mas ajudá-lo significa que você terá que cancelar seus planos. Você os ajudaria? Por que ou por que não?

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