Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a kind-hearted magician named Alex. Alex was known for his amazing magic tricks and ability to make people smile. One day, he decided to go on an adventure to a mysterious place called the Land of Death. The people in the town were scared of Death, but Alex wanted to find out what Death was really like.
After a long journey, Alex finally arrived at the Land of Death. He saw many strange creatures and eerie trees, but he kept walking towards the tallest tower in the distance. That's where he believed Death lived. As he entered the tower, he found Death sitting on a large throne.
Surprisingly, Death welcomed Alex with a warm smile. Alex introduced himself and asked Death about life and what happens after. Death listened attentively and answered, 'Life is a precious journey, and we all have a purpose. After life, we continue on a different path, but love and memories stay with us forever.' Alex was relieved to hear Death's kind words.
Alex stayed with Death for a while, sharing stories and teaching Death a few magic tricks. They became good friends, and Alex realized that Death was not scary at all. On his way back, Alex promised to spread the message of Death's kindness and wisdom. And that's exactly what he did.
Reflection Questions