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A Special Day for Mom
Mia woke up early, sun streaming through her curtains. Today was Mother's Day! 米娅很早就醒了,阳光透过窗帘照进来。今天是母亲节!
Curious, energetic girl with brown hair and sparkling green eyes wakes, excited; a sunny morning in her bedroom.
She remembered the card she made, hiding under her pillow. It was full of hearts and stars. 她想起了自己做的那张藏在枕头下的卡片,上面画满了爱心和星星。
Curious, energetic girl with brown hair and sparkling green eyes recollects the handmade card for her mom, concealed under her pillow.
Mia tiptoed to the kitchen. She wanted to surprise her mom with breakfast in bed. 米娅蹑手蹑脚地走到厨房。她想给妈妈一个惊喜,让她在床上吃早餐。
Curious, energetic girl with brown hair and sparkling green eyes sneaks to the kitchen; a plan for a Mother's Day surprise.
She spread peanut butter on toast and poured a glass of orange juice, spilling a little. 她在面包上涂上花生酱,倒了一杯橙汁,洒了一点。
Curious, energetic girl with brown hair and sparkling green eyes prepares breakfast, a bit clumsily but with good intentions.
Carefully, Mia walked to her mom's room, her heart drumming like a marching band. 米娅小心翼翼地走向妈妈的房间,她的心怦怦跳动,就像一支军乐队。
Curious, energetic girl with brown hair and sparkling green eyes cautiously navigates towards her mom's room with the tray.
She whispered, 'Happy Mother's Day!' Her mom's smile was like the warmest hug. 她轻声说:“母亲节快乐!”妈妈的微笑就像最温暖的拥抱。
She whispered, 'Happy Mother's Day!' Her mom's smile was like the warmest hug.
They sat on the bed, eating and talking about what made their family special. 他们坐在床上,一边吃饭,一边谈论他们家庭的特别之处。
mia and her mother sat on the chair, eating and talking
After breakfast, Mia gave her mom the card. 'You're the best!' she wrote inside. 早餐后,米娅把卡片给了妈妈。她在里面写道:“你是最棒的!”
Curious, energetic girl with brown hair and sparkling green eyes presents her handmade card; words of love and appreciation.
Her mom hugged her tight. 'Thank you, Mia. Let’s spend the day together.' 妈妈紧紧地拥抱了她。“谢谢你,米娅。我们一起度过这一天吧。”
Her mom hugged her tight. 'Thank you, Mia. Let’s spend the day together.'
They decided to plant flowers. Mia dug little holes, and her mom planted seeds. 他们决定种花。米娅挖了一些小坑,妈妈种下了种子。
They decided to plant flowers. Mia dug little holes, and her mom planted seeds.
As the sun started to set, Mia asked, 'Did you like today, Mom?' 太阳开始落山时,米娅问道:“妈妈,你今天过得开心吗?”
Sunset brings reflection; Curious, energetic girl with brown hair and sparkling green eyes inquires about her mom's day.
'I loved today,' Mom said, hugging Mia. 'Every day with you is special, my dear.' “我今天过得很开心,”妈妈拥抱着米娅说道。“亲爱的,和你在一起的每一天都很特别。”
A loving affirmation of a mother's appreciation for her daughter.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Mia felt while preparing the surprise for her mom?
  • Why is it important to show appreciation for our family members on special days?
  • How can spending time together be a great gift? Can you think of other activities to share?

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