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Achille's Colors of Kindness
I colori della gentilezza di Achille
In a small, sunny town, Achille woke up with a yawn and a big smile. In una piccola cittadina soleggiata, Achille si svegliò con uno sbadiglio e un grande sorriso.
Two-year-old boy, long brown hair, brown eyes, warm smile waking up in his room, morning sunlight streaming in.
He brushed his long brown hair away from his eyes and got out of bed. Si scostò i lunghi capelli castani dagli occhi e si alzò dal letto.
Two-year-old boy, long brown hair, brown eyes, warm smile grooming himself, preparing for the day ahead.
His mother greeted him with a warm hug, and his smile grew even brighter. Sua madre lo salutò con un caloroso abbraccio e il suo sorriso si fece ancora più luminoso.
Two-year-old boy, long brown hair, brown eyes, warm smile hugging his mother, kitchen setting, breakfast.
After breakfast, Achille noticed his neighbor, Mrs. Lina, looking sad in her garden. Dopo colazione, Achille notò la sua vicina, la signora Lina, che sembrava triste nel suo giardino.
Two-year-old boy, long brown hair, brown eyes, warm smile at the window, observing Mrs. Lina, who looks upset.
He decided to pick some flowers and surprised her with a colorful bouquet. Ha deciso di cogliere dei fiori e l'ha sorpresa con un bouquet colorato.
Two-year-old boy, long brown hair, brown eyes, warm smile picking flowers and presenting them to Mrs. Lina.
Mrs. Lina’s face lit up with joy, and she invited Achille to plant with her. Il viso della signora Lina si illuminò di gioia e invitò Achille a piantare con lei.
Mrs. Lina smiling, Two-year-old boy, long brown hair, brown eyes, warm smile planting flowers together.
In the afternoon, Achille played with his friend, who fell and scraped a knee. Nel pomeriggio Achille ha giocato con il suo amico, che è caduto e si è sbucciato un ginocchio.
Two-year-old boy, long brown hair, brown eyes, warm smile with a friend at the playground, friend has a minor injury.
Quickly, Achille ran to get a bandage and helped his friend feel better. Velocemente, Achille corse a prendere una benda e aiutò il suo amico a sentirsi meglio.
Two-year-old boy, long brown hair, brown eyes, warm smile handing a bandage to his friend, empathetic gesture.
They resumed playing, with Achille being extra careful around his friend. Ripresero a giocare, con Achille che prestava particolare attenzione al suo amico.
Kids playing gently, Two-year-old boy, long brown hair, brown eyes, warm smile considerate of his friend’s injury.
Later, Achille found a stray dog who looked hungry and alone. Più tardi, Achille trovò un cane randagio che sembrava affamato e solo.
Two-year-old boy, long brown hair, brown eyes, warm smile discovering a stray dog, dog’s ribs are slightly visible.
He shared his snack with the dog and watched as its tail wagged with happiness. Ha condiviso il suo spuntino con il cane e ha osservato la sua coda che scodinzolava dalla felicità.
Two-year-old boy, long brown hair, brown eyes, warm smile feeding the dog, dog showing signs of happiness.
As the sun set, Achille’s parents praised him for spreading kindness all day. Al tramonto, i genitori di Achille lo lodarono per aver diffuso gentilezza tutto il giorno.
Two-year-old boy, long brown hair, brown eyes, warm smile’s parents commending him, sunset backdrop in the scene.
That night, Achille fell asleep with a content smile, dreaming of colorful worlds. Quella notte Achille si addormentò con un sorriso contento, sognando mondi colorati.
Two-year-old boy, long brown hair, brown eyes, warm smile asleep, peaceful expression, room is dark with night stars.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Mrs. Lina felt when Achille gave her flowers?
  • What are some ways you can help a friend who gets hurt?
  • Why is it important to share with those who may have less than we do?

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