Once upon a time, in a small boat on the vast sea, there lived a girl named Lily and a boy named Max. The sun was setting, and their boat drifted calmly.
Pretend you're swaying like a boat.
Lily had big brown eyes and long, wavy hair. Max had short, sandy hair and a wide smile. They were not afraid because they had each other.
Smile at someone next to you.
The water was like glass, reflecting the orange sky. They talked about the animals they might see, like dolphins or whales.
Raise your hand if you like dolphins.
As stars appeared, Max pointed to the sky and named constellations. Lily listened, her eyes shining with wonder.
Point to the ceiling as if pointing at stars.
They imagined the stories of the heroes and creatures that lived among the stars. The constellations seemed to smile down on them.
Wrap your arms around yourself like hugging a star.
Waves began to speak in whispers, a lullaby from the deep. Lily and Max felt safe, as if the sea were singing them to sleep.
Sway gently as if listening to a lullaby.
But they stayed awake, telling each other stories of pirates and treasures. They laughed at the idea of finding a chest full of gold.
Laugh quietly as if sharing a secret.
A fish leaped from the water, splashing back in. It was like the sea was playing too, joining in their joy.
Clap your hands once for the fish's splash.
When morning came, the sky blushed pink and gold. They saw birds flying toward something in the distance.
Wiggle your fingers in the air like flying birds.
Following the birds, they finally saw land. With renewed energy, they used their hands to paddle towards it.
Pretend to paddle on both sides of you.
The boat hit the sand with a gentle bump. Lily and Max jumped out, feeling the ground beneath their feet.
Jump up as if landing on the ground.
They knew that they would never forget their night adrift at sea, the stories and the stars, and their friendship.
Give yourself a big hug, thinking of a friend.