Mia and Jack found themselves on a little boat, floating on the sea.
Pretend you're rocking gently on the waves.
The sun fell, and the sea turned orange and red, like a painting.
Wave your arms like the warm colors of the sunset.
The boat hummed a gentle song as the ocean's waves rocked them.
Hum softly like the calming ocean lullaby.
With the moon high, its light made silver paths on the water.
Draw silver streaks in the air with your fingers.
They told each other tales of lands far away and big dreams.
Whisper a dream to someone like a secret.
The vast sea, at times their playmate, at times a mighty puzzle.
Make a playful then a puzzled face, like the sea’s moods.
In silence, they gazed up, stars telling stories of heroes and magic.
Point to the stars and trace a constellation with your finger.
The fearless pair met the sea's challenges, hearts brave and united.
Stand firm and clasp hands like strong friends.
Dawn peeked, and pink and gold clouds promised a new beginning.
Stretch your arms wide like the dawning sky.
Far ahead, the shape of land appeared, a sign of hope rising.
Shade your eyes with your hand and look into the distance.
They sailed the boat towards the land, their spirits lifted with joy.
Pretend to steer the boat towards a new adventure.
Reaching shore, Mia and Jack's hearts were woven together by the sea.
Give a high-five like great teammates at the end of an adventure.