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Adventures in Fluffington Forest

Fluffy and his forest friends explore magical treasures.

Animals in a forest finding magical treasures

They find a sparkly wand that grants wishes.

Animals find a sparkly wand that grants wishes

Fluffy wishes for endless cupcakes and they appear.

A happy and fluffy bunny with a blue bowtie. wishes for cupcakes and they magically appear

Suddenly, a squirrel steals the wish-granting wand.

A A mischievous squirrel with a bushy tail. steals the magical wand

Fluffy and friends chase the squirrel through the forest.

Animals chase the A mischievous squirrel with a bushy tail. through the forest

They finally catch the squirrel and get back the wand.

Animals catch the A mischievous squirrel with a bushy tail. and get back the wand

Fluffy learns to only use the wand for good.

A happy and fluffy bunny with a blue bowtie. learns to use the wand for good

They celebrate with a big feast and become best friends.

Animals celebrate and become best Various cute animals with friendly smiles.

Reflection Questions

  • What magical treasures did Fluffy's friends find?
  • Who stole the wish-granting wand?
  • What did Fluffy learn about using the wand?

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