Once upon a time, in a beautiful village named Makkah, there lived a kind-hearted boy named Ahmed. Ahmed was 8 years old and loved to play with his friends in the valleys of Makkah. But what fascinated Ahmed the most was the story of his beloved Prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him). One evening, as the golden sun started to set, Ahmed's grandmother, Fatima, came into his room with a smile on her face. "Ahmed, my dear grandson, it's time for our special bedtime story tonight. Are you excited?" she asked.
Ahmed's eyes sparkled with joy as he nodded eagerly. "Of course, Grandma! I can't wait to hear the story," he said, climbing into his cozy bed. Fatima sat beside him and began, "Well, tonight I will tell you the story of how Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) came from a very special family." Ahmed's curiosity grew, and he snuggled closer to his grandmother, eager to hear more. "Long ago, in the ancient city of Makkah, there lived a noble family called the Quraysh. They were respected by all the people in the community," Grandma explained.
"Among the Quraysh, there was a great grandfather named Hashim," Fatima continued. "Hashim was an honorable man who always cared for others. One day, when he learned about a severe famine, he took the responsibility to provide food and water to the people of Makkah, ensuring they didn't go hungry." Ahmed listened intently, imagining how the people must have felt grateful for Hashim's kindness. Fatima continued, "Hashim had a son named Abdul Muttalib, who was known for his wisdom and fairness. He became the leader of the Quraysh and was loved by everyone."
Grandma paused for a moment, taking Ahmed's hand gently. "And do you know who Abdul Muttalib's son was, Ahmed?" she asked with a twinkle in her eyes. Ahmed responded, "Yes, Grandma! He was Abdullah, the father of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)."
Fatima smiled proudly, ruffling Ahmed's hair. "That's right, my clever grandson! Abdullah married a noble and beautiful lady named Aminah, and they were blessed with a remarkable child—our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)." Ahmed's eyes filled with awe and admiration. "Grandma, I am so lucky to be a part of the Prophet's family," he whispered. Fatima hugged him tightly, saying, "Indeed, my dear grandson. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent by Allah to guide us and show us the path of goodness and love."
As Ahmed drifted off to sleep, he dreamt of the Prophet's gentle smile and the incredible journey of his noble ancestors. He felt a deep sense of pride and love for his special heritage, promising himself to be kind, compassionate, and just like his family and the Prophet. And so, every night, Ahmed and his grandmother Fatima continued to share stories of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the beautiful lessons he taught. These stories would forever shape Ahmed's heart, filling it with love, kindness, and the teachings of Islam.
Reflection Questions