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Ahmed's Fun Day
يوم المرح أحمد
Ahmed ran to his dad. 'Can I play with friends?' ركض أحمد إلى والده. "هل يمكنني اللعب مع الأصدقاء؟"

Kids can act out asking a family member to play together

Ahmed asks his dad to play with friends, living room, Ahmed, and his dad
'Yes, but no rough play,' said Dad. 'Okay, Dad,' said Ahmed, full of joy. قال أبي: «نعم، لكن ليس اللعب الخشن.» قال أحمد بفرحة غامرة: "حسنًا يا أبي".

Kids can act out receiving permission and expressing joy

Ahmed's dad grants permission with a condition, kitchen, Ahmed, and his dad
Ahmed called his pals. 'Let's play!' they cheered. They ran to the park together. اتصل أحمد بأصدقائه. 'هيّا بنا لنلعب!' هللوا. ركضوا إلى الحديقة معًا.

Kids can act out calling friends and running with them

Ahmed invites his friends to play, outside, Ahmed and his friends
The friends took turns on the swings. They had lots of fun in the sun. تناوب الأصدقاء على الأراجيح. كان لديهم الكثير من المرح في الشمس.

Kids can act out taking turns on an imaginary swing in the park

Friends take turns on swings, park, Ahmed and his friends
Ahmed and his friends played tag. They laughed and ran, full of glee. لعب أحمد وأصدقاؤه اللعبة. ضحكوا وركضوا، مليئة بالبهجة.

Kids can act out playing tag and giggling with friends

Ahmed and friends play tag, playground, Ahmed and his friends
It’s time to go home. Ahmed waved bye to his friends, feeling happy. حان الوقت للعودة إلى المنزل. ولوح أحمد وداعا لأصدقائه، وهو يشعر بالسعادة.

Kids can act out waving bye to imaginary friends in the park

Ahmed says bye to friends, park, Ahmed and his friends
Back at home, Ahmed thanked his dad. 'Playing was so much fun,' he said. عند عودته إلى المنزل، شكر أحمد والده. وقال: "كان اللعب ممتعًا للغاية".

Kids can act out thanking a family member for playing with them

Ahmed thanks Dad, home, Ahmed and his dad
Dad smiled. 'Good communication, Ahmed. We’ll play again soon,' he said kindly. ابتسم أبي. 'تواصل جيد يا أحمد. قال بلطف: "سنلعب مرة أخرى قريبًا".

Kids can act out smiling and listening to kind words from a family member

Dad praises Ahmed, home, Ahmed and his dad
Ahmed hugged his dad. 'I love you, Dad,' he said before bed, feeling content. احتضن أحمد والده. قال قبل النوم وهو يشعر بالرضا: "أحبك يا أبي".

Kids can act out hugging a family member and saying 'I love you'

Ahmed expresses love to his dad, bedroom, Ahmed and his dad
Dad hugged back. 'Goodnight, Ahmed. Sleep tight,' he whispered, filled with love. عانق أبي مرة أخرى. "ليلة سعيدة يا أحمد." "نم جيداً،" همس، مليئاً بالحب.

Kids can act out saying 'goodnight' and receiving a bedtime hug

Dad says goodnight to Ahmed, bedroom, Ahmed and his dad
Ahmed smiled, feeling loved and happy. He dozed off, dreaming of the fun day. ابتسم أحمد وهو يشعر بالحب والسعادة. لقد غفا وهو يحلم بيوم المرح.

Kids can act out pretending to sleep and dreaming peacefully

Ahmed dreams happily, bedroom, Ahmed
The End النهاية

Kids can act out clapping for a good story

Conclusion of the story

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