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Ahmed's Soccer Adventure
مغامرة أحمد لكرة القدم
At first, Ahmed went to his father to ask him to play soccer with his friends. في البداية، ذهب أحمد إلى والده ليطلب منه أن يلعب كرة القدم مع أصدقائه.
Ahmed and his father at home, asking to play soccer, showing responsibility.
His father said 'yes' to him. فقال له والده "نعم".
Ahmed's father agreeing to play soccer, showing positive reinforcement.
Then Ahmed went to the sports shop to buy his soccer clothes. ثم ذهب أحمد إلى محل الأدوات الرياضية ليشتري ملابس كرة القدم.
Ahmed in the sports shop, taking responsibility to get the right clothes for soccer.
Both soccer and basketball were in front of him, but he does not know how soccer clothes look like. كانت أمامه كرة القدم وكرة السلة، لكنه لا يعرف كيف تبدو ملابس كرة القدم.
Ahmed confused between soccer and basketball clothes, showing decision-making.
So he asked the owner, and the owner shows him the soccer clothes. فسأل المالك فأراه المالك ملابس كرة القدم.
Ahmed asking the shop owner for help, demonstrating problem-solving skills.
After buying it, Ahmed went with his friends to play soccer. وبعد شرائه، ذهب أحمد مع أصدقائه للعب كرة القدم.
Ahmed with his friends playing soccer, taking responsibility for organizing an activity.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Ahmed show responsibility in the story?
  • What would you have done if you were in Ahmed's situation at the sports shop?
  • Why is it important to ask for help when you don’t know something?

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