Once upon a time, in a bustling city called Agrabah, there lived a young boy named Aladdin. He was kind-hearted and always dreamed of a better life. Aladdin lived with his mother in a small house near the marketplace. They were poor but content.
One day, while Aladdin was exploring the marketplace, he stumbled upon an old man with a long white beard. The man claimed to be a magician and offered Aladdin a mysterious lamp in exchange for his help. Curiosity got the better of Aladdin, and he agreed to assist the old man.
Together, they traveled to a hidden cave deep in the desert. The old man instructed Aladdin to retrieve a magical lamp from within the cave. Aladdin, being brave and determined, entered the cave and found the lamp. But as he tried to leave, the old man betrayed him and sealed the cave, leaving Aladdin trapped inside.
Aladdin rubbed the lamp in frustration, and to his astonishment, a powerful genie appeared! The genie granted Aladdin three wishes. Aladdin used his first wish to escape the cave and return home to his mother. Overjoyed, Aladdin shared the story of the enchanted lamp with his mother.
With the genie's help, Aladdin and his mother's life changed dramatically. They moved to a beautiful palace and had all the riches they could ever dream of. Aladdin used his remaining wishes wisely, ensuring the well-being of his loved ones and the people of Agrabah. He became a fair and just ruler, beloved by all.
Reflection Questions