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Alae's Adventure at Crocro Park

Once upon a time, in a magical land, Alae and her mom Sofilia visited Crocro Park.

Curly brown hair, brown eyes, bright smile and Long black hair, kind eyes, warm smile visit Crocro Park, a sunny day full of excitement.

They saw big crocodiles with long tails and sharp teeth. Alae exclaimed, 'Wow, look at their big eyes!'

Curly brown hair, brown eyes, bright smile and Long black hair, kind eyes, warm smile encounter the crocodiles at the park, feeling amazed.

A friendly parrot named Polly perched on Alae's shoulder, squawking, 'Hello!' Alae giggled and said, 'Hi, Polly!'

Curly brown hair, brown eyes, bright smile meets a chatty parrot named Colorful feathers, green and yellow, beady black eyes and a fun exchange happens.

A mischievous monkey, Max, swung by and teased, 'Can you climb trees like me?' Alae laughed, 'No, but I can swing on swings!'

Curly brown hair, brown eyes, bright smile encounters a playful monkey named Brown fur, mischievous eyes, long tail and they share a playful exchange.

Alae and Sofilia also met a jolly hippo, Harry, who said, 'Come play with me in the water!' Alae replied, 'I'm scared, but it looks fun!'

Curly brown hair, brown eyes, bright smile and Long black hair, kind eyes, warm smile interact with a friendly hippo named Grey skin, big teeth, friendly eyes.

At bedtime, Alae snuggled in and whispered, 'Today was so fun, Mom!' Sofilia smiled and said, 'Yes, it was. Goodnight, Alae.'

Curly brown hair, brown eyes, bright smile reflects on her exciting day at Crocro Park with her mom.

The next morning, Alae woke up and said, 'I can't wait to go back to Crocro Park!'

Curly brown hair, brown eyes, bright smile looks forward to another fun day ahead at Crocro Park.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Alae felt when she saw the big crocodiles?
  • What did Alae and Sofilia learn from meeting different animals at the park?
  • How do you think Alae felt at bedtime after her exciting day?

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