Once upon a time, Alae and her mommy, Sofilia, decided to go to Crocro Park.
Act out packing for a trip with Alae and Sofilia.
As they arrived, they saw lots of big and scary crocodiles, but they also saw baby crocodiles.
Pretend to spot a baby crocodile with Alae and Sofilia.
Alae wanted to pet one, but Sofilia said they should ask the park ranger first.
Act out asking permission, like Alae and Sofilia.
The park ranger explained that baby crocodiles might bite, even though they look cute.
Pretend to listen and nod when the park ranger talks.
Alae thanked the ranger for telling her the truth and decided not to touch the crocodiles.
Practice saying 'thank you' and making an honest decision like Alae.
They had a great time looking at the crocodiles and even saw them being fed.
Act out seeing the crocodiles being fed with Alae and Sofilia.
At the end of the day, Alae told Sofilia that she was happy they had been honest about the crocodiles.
Say 'I'm happy we were honest' with Alae and Sofilia.