In a peaceful village surrounded by mountains, there lived a brave young boy named Alexis. He trained hard every day to be a samurai.
Alexis wore a little blue kimono and carried a wooden sword. He was not a full samurai yet, but he was brave and strong.
One sunny day, Alexis was practicing his sword moves near the bamboo forest when he heard a cry for help.
Running towards the sound, he found a villager cornered by a bad guy. Alexis knew he had to act.
With a loud yell, Alexis jumped in front of the bad guy, swinging his wooden sword with precision.
The bad guy, surprised by the courageous boy, stumbled backward, tripping over a rock.
Alexis helped the villager stand up and together, they walked back towards the village square.
The chief of the village heard of Alexis's bravery and called him to the village hall.
Praising Alexis, the chief said, 'You protected our people. You have the heart of a samurai.'
From that day on, Alexis became known as the brave protector of the village. He trained even harder.
The villagers would smile at him and the kids wanted to learn from him, to be brave like Alexis.
Alexis proved that even though he was young, he had the courage and spirit of a great samurai.
Reflection Questions