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Alfy's New Friends
Les nouveaux amis d'Alfy
Over the hills of Juniper Meadow, a small spaceship twirled down. It landed softly beside the daisies. Au-dessus des collines de Juniper Meadow, un petit vaisseau spatial tournoyait. Il atterrit doucement à côté des pâquerettes.

Spaceships are vehicles designed for traveling in outer space.

Alien family's small spaceship lands in a hidden meadow on Earth with a dark night sky
Out stepped Alfy with his family. They looked around the new world with wide, curious eyes. Alfy sortit avec sa famille. Ils regardèrent le nouveau monde avec de grands yeux curieux.

Aliens are fictional characters from planets other than Earth.

Alien family's going out from the bridge of the shift and look at the city at nignt.
The sun shone warmly, and Alfy felt the grass under his feet. He spotted squirrels playing. Le soleil brillait chaleureusement et Alfy sentait l'herbe sous ses pieds. Il a repéré des écureuils en train de jouer.

Squirrels are small mammals found in many parts of the world.

Alfy experiences Earth's nature, observes squirrels.
Alfy's parents called, 'Go make friends, Alfy!' But Alfy stood still, feeling a bit scared. Les parents d'Alfy ont appelé : « Va te faire des amis, Alfy ! Mais Alfy resta immobile, un peu effrayé.

Feeling shy or scared in new situations is common among young individuals.

Alfy's parents encourage him to make friends, but he's hesitant.
He watched kids playing ball nearby. Alfy wanted to join, but he worried they'd find him strange. Il regardait des enfants jouer au ballon à proximité. Alfy voulait les rejoindre, mais il craignait qu'ils le trouvent étrange.

Fear of judgment can affect one's willingness to partake in social activities.

Alfy contemplates joining kids playing, feels insecure.
Suddenly, the ball rolled to Alfy's feet. 'Hey, can you throw it back?' a boy shouted. Soudain, le ballon roula jusqu'aux pieds d'Alfy. "Hé, tu peux le renvoyer ?" a crié un garçon.

Playing with a ball is a common activity that can facilitate social interactions.

A ball rolls towards Alfy, a boy asks for it back.
Alfy picked up the ball. With a gentle toss, he returned it to the kids, who cheered. Alfy a récupéré le ballon. D'un léger mouvement, il le rendit aux enfants, qui l'acclamèrent.

Positive reinforcement can encourage interaction and boost confidence.

Alfy throws the ball back, kids cheer for his action.
'Want to play with us?' a girl asked with a smile. Alfy nodded shyly but excitedly. « Tu veux jouer avec nous ? » » a demandé une fille avec un sourire. Alfy hocha la tête timidement mais avec enthousiasme.

Invitations to participate can be pivotal in overcoming social hesitance.

A girl invites Alfy to play, he accepts with shy enthusiasm.
As they played, Alfy started to forget his fears. The kids laughed and shared the ball with him. Pendant qu'ils jouaient, Alfy commença à oublier ses peurs. Les enfants ont ri et ont partagé le ballon avec lui.

Engaging in play is a natural way for children to build relationships.

Alfy plays with kids, starts to overcome his fears.
'You're a cool alien!' said one of the kids. 'Do you want to be our friend?' « Tu es un extraterrestre cool ! » dit l'un des enfants. « Veux-tu être notre ami ? »

Acceptance from peers promotes a sense of belonging and friendship.

Kids acknowledge Alfy's differences and offer friendship.
Alfy beamed with joy. 'Yes, I'd like that very much!' For the first time, he felt at home on Earth. Alfy rayonnait de joie. "Oui, j'aimerais beaucoup ça!" Pour la première fois, il se sentait chez lui sur Terre.

Friendship can provide a sense of comfort and acceptance in new environments.

Alfy happily accepts friendship, feels at home.
As the sun set, Alfy knew that even though he was different, there was always a place for friendship. Au coucher du soleil, Alfy savait que même s'il était différent, il y avait toujours une place pour l'amitié.

The setting sun often signifies the end of a day and time for reflection.

As the sun set, Alfy knew that even though he was different, there was always a place for friendship.

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