Once upon a time, in a small village, lived a hardworking woodcutter named Ali Baba. One day, while Ali Baba was cutting wood in the forest, he witnessed a group of forty thieves opening the mouth of a secret cave by chanting 'Open, Sesame!' Ali Baba carefully observed and memorized the password.
As the thieves disappeared into the cave carrying bags of gold and treasures, Ali Baba decided to investigate. He bravely uttered 'Open, Sesame!' and to his astonishment, the cave entrance magically swung open.
Inside the cave, Ali Baba found immense wealth hidden by the thieves. He stealthily filled a bag with gold and hurried back home, still remembering the password 'Open, Sesame!'
When Ali Baba's greedy brother Cassim discovered his newfound wealth, he demanded to know the secret. Eager to impress, Cassim rushed to the cave but forgot the password. Trapped inside, the thieves found Cassim and killed him.
Concerned about Cassim's disappearance, Ali Baba went to the cave and found his brother's lifeless body. Worried that the thieves would return, Ali Baba sought help from his clever slave girl, Morgiana.
Morgiana came up with a plan to save Ali Baba and his family. She disguised herself as a dancer and cleverly killed each of the thieves, one by one, during their sleep using hot oil. The village celebrated their victory over the thieves and Ali Baba shared his wealth with the poor.
From that day forward, Ali Baba became known as a hero who outwitted the forty thieves and used his wealth for the betterment of his village. The people lived happily ever after.
Reflection Questions