Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between rolling green hills, there lived a brave young girl named Alia.
Alia had golden hair that shimmered in the sunlight, and a heart as courageous as a lion. One day, a fearsome dragon threatened their home.
Despite her fear, Alia knew she had to do something to save her village. With a plan forming in her clever mind, she set off to face the dragon.
As Alia approached the dragon’s cave, the ground shook with each of the dragon's enormous footsteps. Her heart raced, but she didn't give up.
Using her quick wits, Alia challenged the dragon to a clever riddle competition. The dragon, feeling a bit silly, agreed to the game.
With her crafty mind, Alia stumped the dragon with the trickiest riddles, causing it to laugh so hard that it flew away, never to bother the village again.
The village cheered for Alia, the hero who saved them all. She proved that true bravery comes from the heart, no matter how big the fear.