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Ammy's Birthday Bash at the Fun Park

Ammy woke up with a big smile. Today was her special day — her birthday!

A joyful 7-year-old with brown hair and bright green eyes in bed, excited for her birthday.

She jumped out of bed. 'I am 7 now!' she cheered and ran to the kitchen.

A joyful 7-year-old with brown hair and bright green eyeShe jumped out of bed. 'I am 7 now!' she cheered and ran to the kitchen.

Her family sang 'Happy Birthday.' Mom gave her a big hug and a kiss.

A joyful girl 7-year-old with brown hair and bright green eyeHer family sang 'Happy Birthday.' Mom gave her a big hug and a kiss.

They had a surprise for Ammy. 'We're going to the Fun Park today!' said Dad.

A joyful 7-year-old with brown hair and bright green eye ,They had a surprise We're going to the Fun Park today!' speaking with father.

Ammy's eyes lit up. 'The Fun Park! With all the games and rides?' she asked.

A joyful 7-year-old with brown hair and bright green eyeAmmy's eyes lit up. 'The Fun Park! With all the games and rides?' she asked.

Mom nodded. 'Yes, and you can invite your friends to join us too!'

A joyful 7-year-old with brown hair and bright green eye Mom nodded. 'Yes, and you can invite your friends to join us too!'

Ammy called her best friends, Lily and Sam. 'Let's have fun together!' she said.

A joyful 7-year-old with brown hair and bright green eyes on the phone, inviting friends to her birthday outing.

Soon, they arrived at the Fun Park. The gates swung open to a world of wonder.

The group arriving at the Fun Park, full of excitement.

They rode the merry-go-round, laughing as the horses went up and down.

A joyful 7-year-old with brown hair and bright green eyeThey rode the merry-go-round, laughing as the horses went up and down.

They played games and won prizes. Ammy won a stuffed bear she named Mr. Cuddles.

A joyful 7-year-old with brown hair and bright green eyeThey played games and won prizes. Ammy won a stuffed bear she named Mr. Cuddles.s

At the end of the day, they ate a big birthday cake. 'Best day ever!' Ammy grinned.

A joyful 7-year-old with brown hair and bright green eyethey ate a big birthday cake. 'Best day ever!' Ammy grinned.they ate a big birthday cake. 'Best day ever!' Ammy grinned.

Tired but happy, they all went home. Ammy fell asleep, hugging Mr. Cuddles tightly.

A content A joyful 7-year-old with brown hair and bright green eyes asleep with her new stuffed bear.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Ammy felt when her family sang to her?
  • What can you do to make your friends feel special on their birthdays?
  • Why is it important to share happy moments with others?

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