Once upon a time, in a cozy green house, there was a boy named Anas.
Anas loved playing with blocks, but sometimes, when the tower fell, he would get very upset.
He would scream and throw the blocks, which scared his little puppy, Max.
His mom came in, her eyes filled with concern. 'Anas, let's take deep breaths,' she said.
Together, they took deep breaths. Inhale. Exhale. Anas started to feel a little calmer.
Mom explained, 'It's okay to feel angry, Anas, but we must find better ways to express it.'
Anas nodded. They practiced saying 'I'm angry' instead of yelling and throwing things.
The next day, Anas played again. He was building an even higher tower.
Suddenly, the tower wobbled and tumbled down. Anas felt the anger bubble up.
But he remembered his mom's words. Taking a deep breath, he said, 'I'm angry, but it's okay.'
Max wagged his tail, happy to see Anas calm. Anas smiled and gave Max a gentle pat.
Together, Anas and Max began to rebuild the tower, piece by piece, happily ever after.
Reflection Questions