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Anna and Her Animal Friends

Anna loved animals. She lived on a big farm with her family.

A little girl with brown hair and blue eyes lives on a farm with her family.

One day, she found a little bird with a hurt wing.

A little girl with brown hair and blue eyes discovers a hurt bird on the farm.

'Don't worry, little bird,' she said. The bird looked at her with sad eyes.

A little girl with brown hair and blue eyes talks to the hurt bird.

To her surprise, the bird chirped, 'Thank you for helping me!'

The bird talks back to A little girl with brown hair and blue eyes.

Anna was excited. She could talk to animals!

A little girl with brown hair and blue eyes realizes she can talk to animals.

She carefully picked up the bird and took it to her room.

A little girl with brown hair and blue eyes brings the bird to her room.

'I will take care of you,' she promised.

A little girl with brown hair and blue eyes promises to care for the bird.

The bird smiled and chirped happily.

The bird is happy and chirps.

The next morning, Anna found a bunny in her garden.

A little girl with brown hair and blue eyes finds a bunny in her garden.

'Hello, bunny,' she said. The bunny wiggled its nose.

A little girl with brown hair and blue eyes greets the bunny.

'Hello, Anna,' the bunny replied. Anna laughed.

The bunny talks to A little girl with brown hair and blue eyes.

Every day, Anna found new animal friends to talk to.

A little girl with brown hair and blue eyes makes new animal friends daily.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Anna felt when she realized she could talk to animals?
  • Why do you think Anna wanted to help the little bird?
  • How would you feel if you could talk to animals? What would you say?

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