Once upon a time in a magical forest, there lived a happy dragon named Aria. She had shimmering purple scales and bright yellow eyes.
Aria loved exploring the forest and making new friends. One day, she met a friendly groundhog named Hank. Hank had soft brown fur and a big smile.
Aria and Hank became best friends and had lots of fun together. They often played hide-and-seek in the forest. One day, while playing, they met Lola, a donkey with a gentle personality. Lola had gray fur and kind eyes.
The three friends explored the forest, laughing and enjoying each other's company. As they ventured deeper into the forest, they stumbled upon a majestic unicorn named Arlo. Arlo had a shimmering white coat and a golden horn.
Aria, Hank, Lola, and Arlo spent their days together, going on exciting adventures and spreading happiness throughout the forest. They shared their dreams and fears, supporting each other every step of the way.
They showed kindness to every creature in the forest, helping those in need and teaching others the value of friendship. Their friendship was a shining example to all.
As time passed, the bond between Aria, Hank, Lola, and Arlo grew stronger. They realized that true happiness comes from the love and support of friends.
And so, Aria the Happy Dragon, Hank the Friendly Groundhog, Lola the Donkey, and Arlo the Unicorn continued their adventures, spreading joy and friendship wherever they went.
Reflection Questions