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Arturo Rodrigo's Lesson

Arturo Rodrigo didn't listen to his mom.

Curly hair, mischievous smile, wearing blue shirt and jeans not listening to mom

He made a mess, didn't do his homework, and never helped.

Curly hair, mischievous smile, wearing blue shirt and jeans making a mess and not helping

One day, a witch-like lady took him away in a big bag.

Witch-like lady taking Curly hair, mischievous smile, wearing blue shirt and jeans in a bag

She took him to a ranch and made him work.

Curly hair, mischievous smile, wearing blue shirt and jeans working on a ranch

He learned the value of things and regretted his behavior.

Curly hair, mischievous smile, wearing blue shirt and jeans learning and regretting

He promised to change and be better.

Curly hair, mischievous smile, wearing blue shirt and jeans promising to be better

The witch allowed him to go back to his mom.

Curly hair, mischievous smile, wearing blue shirt and jeans going back to his mom

Now, Arturo Rodrigo is good, kind, and helpful.

Curly hair, mischievous smile, wearing blue shirt and jeans being good, kind, and helpful

He grew up to become a great and honorable man.

Curly hair, mischievous smile, wearing blue shirt and jeans becoming a great man

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