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Baby Girl's Friendship Adventure

Baby Girl likes to play with her toys.

Cute girl with pink dress and pigtails. playing with her colorful toys

One day, Baby Girl saw a puppy.

Cute girl with pink dress and pigtails. and a fluffy white and brown Fluffy white and brown puppy with a red collar.

They became best friends.

Cute girl with pink dress and pigtails. and the Fluffy white and brown puppy with a red collar. hugging

They played in the park together.

Cute girl with pink dress and pigtails. and the Fluffy white and brown puppy with a red collar. swinging happily

Baby Girl shared her snacks with the puppy.

Cute girl with pink dress and pigtails. and the Fluffy white and brown puppy with a red collar. sharing cookies

The puppy protected Baby Girl during a storm.

The Fluffy white and brown puppy with a red collar. keeping Cute girl with pink dress and pigtails. safe from rain

They had lots of fun adventures together!

Cute girl with pink dress and pigtails. and the Fluffy white and brown puppy with a red collar. exploring a forest

Baby Girl and the puppy will be friends forever.

Cute girl with pink dress and pigtails. and the Fluffy white and brown puppy with a red collar. holding hands

Reflection Questions

  • How did Baby Girl and the puppy become friends?
  • What did they do in the park together?
  • Will Baby Girl and the puppy be friends forever?

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