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Bambina's Winter Friends

One snowy morning, Bambina woke up to a white world outside her window.

Cheerful girl with rosy cheeks and bright brown eyes, wearing a red coat discovers a freshly snow-covered world from her bedroom.

Excited, she put on her warmest coat and mittens to join her friends.

Cheerful girl with rosy cheeks and bright brown eyes, wearing a red coat dresses warmly to face the snowy outdoors.

Together, they decided to build the biggest snowman ever seen in the village.

Cheerful girl with rosy cheeks and bright brown eyes, wearing a red coat and friends are determined to build a huge snowman.

Bambina rolled a giant snowball for the base, while others made medium and small ones.

The team works together, each creating parts of the snowman.

As they worked, a group of birds chirped cheerily, watching from nearby trees.

Winter birds observe and accompany the kids with their songs.

A curious rabbit hopped closer, tilting its head at the growing snow figure.

An inquisitive rabbit joins the scene, intrigued by the snowman.

With teamwork, they stacked the snowballs and added a carrot for the nose.

Snowman comes to life with the carrot nose and stacked snowballs.

"Now for buttons and eyes!" Bambina said, placing stones with care.

Cheerful girl with rosy cheeks and bright brown eyes, wearing a red coat embellishes the snowman with stones as buttons and eyes.

Finally, they wrapped a scarf around its neck and cheered for their creation.

Finishing touches on the snowman as the kids celebrate their accomplishment.

The rabbit bounded around them as if it, too, was celebrating the snowman.

The rabbit expresses joy, seemingly celebrating with the children.

"Let's play hide and seek!" proposed Bambina, and the animals seemed to nod.

Cheerful girl with rosy cheeks and bright brown eyes, wearing a red coat invites everyone, including the animals, to play hide and seek.

They laughed and played until the sky turned orange, their hearts warm despite the cold.

The group plays joyfully in the snow as the day comes to an end.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Bambina felt when she first saw the snow?
  • What does the story tell you about teamwork and helping each other?
  • Why do you think the rabbit and birds stayed near the kids?

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