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Barattoli di Emozioni (Jars of Emotions)

In a bright, cozy room, Mia found an old wooden box labeled 'Barattoli di Emozioni'.

A kind girl with curly brown hair, tan skin, and bright green eyes discovers a mysterious box in her attic.

Opening the box, she found five small, colored jars: red, blue, yellow, green, and purple.

A kind girl with curly brown hair, tan skin, and bright green eyes opens the box to reveal jars of different colors.

Curious, Mia opened the red jar. Out burst feelings of anger, making her face feel hot.

A kind girl with curly brown hair, tan skin, and bright green eyes experiences the emotion of anger from the red jar.

She quickly closed it and tried the blue jar next. A wave of sadness washed over her.

A kind girl with curly brown hair, tan skin, and bright green eyes feels the emotion of sadness from the blue jar.

Feeling blue, Mia opened the yellow jar, hoping for change. Joy bounced out, filling the room with laughter.

A kind girl with curly brown hair, tan skin, and bright green eyes opens the yellow jar and feels joy.

Next was the green jar. Mia felt a surge of calmness and peace as she took a deep breath.

The green jar brings A kind girl with curly brown hair, tan skin, and bright green eyes a sense of calm.

Finally, she opened the purple jar. Wonder and imagination spilled out, surrounding her with creativity.

The purple jar inspires wonder and creativity in A kind girl with curly brown hair, tan skin, and bright green eyes.

Mia realized these jars held emotions that everyone could feel. She wanted to share this knowledge.

A kind girl with curly brown hair, tan skin, and bright green eyes understands the universality of emotions in the jars.

Putting the jars back, she decided to draw pictures showing each emotion she had felt.

A kind girl with curly brown hair, tan skin, and bright green eyes decides to express the emotions through her drawings.

She drew herself with steam coming out of her ears for anger, and a big, tearful blue for sadness.

A kind girl with curly brown hair, tan skin, and bright green eyes draws anger and sadness based on the jars' emotions.

Her drawing of joy had bright sun and jumping, while calmness was a quiet pond with lilypads.

A kind girl with curly brown hair, tan skin, and bright green eyes illustrates joy and calmness in her drawings.

The picture for wonder showed her reaching for the stars, full of vibrant purple hues.

A drawing of wonder captures A kind girl with curly brown hair, tan skin, and bright green eyes's imaginative spirit.

Mia shared her drawings with her friends. They talked about when they felt those emotions too.

A kind girl with curly brown hair, tan skin, and bright green eyes shares her emotional journey with friends, sparking conversation.

Together, they learned to recognize and respect their own 'Barattoli di Emozioni'. The end.

A kind girl with curly brown hair, tan skin, and bright green eyes and her friends gain emotional awareness and respect.

Reflection Questions

  • When have you felt like Mia did when she opened the red jar? How did you handle your anger?
  • Can you remember a moment of joy like Mia's yellow jar? What made you feel that way?
  • How can sharing your feelings, like Mia did with her drawings, help you and your friends?

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