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Baxter's Big School Day

Baxter the dog woke up early, yawned, and stretched his four fluffy legs. Today was special.

Morning at Fluffy, brown dog with bright, eager eyes's home, Fluffy, brown dog with bright, eager eyes waking up feeling excited.

It was Baxter's first day at Puppy School! He wagged his tail thinking about the friends he'd make.

Fluffy, brown dog with bright, eager eyes is excited about making friends at school.

After a quick breakfast, Baxter's owner put on his bright blue collar. 'Ready, boy?' she asked.

Fluffy, brown dog with bright, eager eyes's owner preparing him for school, feeling happy.

Baxter barked joyfully. He jumped into the car, his heart beating fast with anticipation.

Fluffy, brown dog with bright, eager eyes riding in the car, eager and a bit anxious.

At school, the teacher, Miss Poodle, greeted everyone. 'Welcome, pups!' Baxter's tail couldn't stop wagging.

Meeting the teacher, Elegant poodle with sophisticated glasses and a warm smile, and classmates at school.

His classmates were all different breeds. Baxter felt shy but intrigued by their variety.

Fluffy, brown dog with bright, eager eyes feeling shy among diverse classmates.

'Let's start with a 'Get to Know You' game,' said Miss Poodle. Baxter's ears perked up.

Engaging in the first class activity.

Each pup took turns to share. When it was his turn, Baxter barked: 'I love fetch and naps!'

Fluffy, brown dog with bright, eager eyes sharing his interests with the class.

At recess, Baxter played fetch. A little pug named Olive joined, and they had fun together.

Fluffy, brown dog with bright, eager eyes making a new friend, Small, playful pug with a cute, wrinkled face, during recess.

Lunchtime came. Baxter offered half of his treat to Olive. 'Thank you!' she said with a smile.

Sharing food with Small, playful pug with a cute, wrinkled face, showing kindness.

After a day of learning and playing, Baxter felt tired but happy as he rode home.

Reflection on the day's events while heading home.

Baxter couldn't wait to tell his owner about his day and to see Olive again tomorrow.

Feeling excited to share experiences and eager for the next school day.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Baxter felt on his first ride to school and why?
  • Why was sharing his treat with Olive a kind thing for Baxter to do?
  • Have you ever felt shy like Baxter? What can you do to overcome shyness?

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