Once upon a time, deep in the heart of the forest, there lived two unlikely best friends: Bear and Pig.
They shared everything together, from exploring the vast woods to splashing in the crystal-clear river.
One sunny morning, as Bear and Pig set off on their daily adventure, they encountered a sly and cunning fox named Felix.
Felix started whispering false tales about each friend to the other.
He told Bear that Pig had been spreading rumors and making fun of him behind his back.
Meanwhile, he informed Pig that Bear had been planning to leave their friendship behind and find new companions.
Consumed by anger and hurt, both Bear and Pig began to drift apart.
Unsure of the true intentions of their once-close friend, Bear and Pig felt lost and sad.
But one day, Bear and Pig discovered the truth and realized that they had been tricked by Felix.
They forgave each other and promised to always trust their friendship.
Reflection Questions