Hi, my name is Sarah. I have a horse named Beauty. Beauty is a beautiful white horse with a long, flowing mane. We love to spend time together and go on lots of adventures. Today, Beauty has a special event - a horse show!
At the horse show, there are many people and horses. Some horses are big and some are small. Each horse gets to show what they have learned. I am feeling excited and a little bit nervous for Beauty. I know she can do her best!
Finally, it's Beauty's turn! She walks into the arena proudly. The judge watches closely as Beauty trots and canters around in circles. Beauty listens to my cues and does all the right moves. She is so graceful and confident!
After the performance, Beauty and I wait for the results. I am proud of her no matter what, because she tried her best. The judge announces the winners. Guess what? Beauty won first place in her category! I am so happy for her! We did it together.
Beauty and I celebrate by giving each other a big hug. I give her treats and tell her how amazing she is. We did such a great job at the horse show. Beauty showed everyone that she is confident and talented. She is my superstar!
The horse show was a fantastic experience for Beauty and me. We learned that with practice and confidence, we can achieve great things. We will continue to work hard together and go on more adventures. I am so lucky to have Beauty as my horse!
Reflection Questions