Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Ben. He was an adventurous builder who dreamed of lighting the way for ships at sea. One day, Ben had an amazing idea! He decided to build the world's first lighthouse. It would be a tall tower with a bright light that could guide sailors through the dark and stormy nights.
With excitement in his heart and determination in his eyes, Ben started gathering materials to build his lighthouse. He collected sturdy stones, bricks, and glass to create the tower. Ben even found a shining light that would guide the ships.
As days turned into weeks, Ben worked tirelessly on his project. He carefully placed each brick, making sure they were strong enough to withstand any storm. Finally, the tower stood tall and proud, ready to light up the night sky.
Word spread about Ben's incredible lighthouse. Sailors from near and far would thank him for guiding them safely to the harbor. Ben knew that he had made a difference, bringing light and hope to those at sea.
Reflection Questions