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Bhalu and Toy Car

Once upon a time, there was a teddy bear named Bhalu.

A cute teddy bear with brown fur, a teddy bear sitting in a colorful room

Bhalu had a best friend named Toy Car.

A cute teddy bear with brown fur and a small toy car playing together

One day, Toy Car got stuck in a hole.

A red toy car with black wheels stuck in a hole, A cute teddy bear with brown fur worried

Bhalu tried to pull Toy Car out, but he couldn't.

A cute teddy bear with brown fur pulling hard, but A red toy car with black wheels won't budge

Bhalu had an idea and ran to get help.

A cute teddy bear with brown fur running towards other toys for help

Bhalu brought some other toys to the hole.

A cute teddy bear with brown fur and other toys standing near the hole

They all worked together to lift Toy Car out.

A cute teddy bear with brown fur and other toys lifting A red toy car with black wheels up

Toy Car was free, thanks to Bhalu and the toys.

A red toy car with black wheels smiling and thanking A cute teddy bear with brown fur and the toys

From that day on, Bhalu and Toy Car were inseparable.

A cute teddy bear with brown fur and A red toy car with black wheels hugging and smiling together

They always helped each other no matter what.

A cute teddy bear with brown fur and A red toy car with black wheels helping each other happily

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Bhalu try to pull Toy Car out of the hole?
  • Who helped Bhalu to lift Toy Car out of the hole?
  • What did Bhalu and Toy Car always do for each other?

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