Bill Wolf was the richest and most famous person in the world. He lived in a modern house with a big swimming pool and a huge garden.
One day, Bill decided to throw a party at his house to celebrate his latest achievement. All his friends and important people from around the world were invited.
As the party was in full swing, a loud noise shook the ground. Everyone looked up and saw a meteor heading straight towards Bill's house!
The meteor crashed into the house, destroying everything Bill owned. Miraculously, Bill survived the impact and crawled out from under the rubble.
A man with a long white beard approached Bill. He said his name was Moses, the Hebrew prophet who led the Israelites out of Egypt. He claimed to have come to save Bill.
Bill didn't understand what was going on or why he was involved in this strange situation. But he trusted Moses and decided to follow him.
Moses led Bill through the wilderness, crossing deserts and climbing mountains. Along the way, they encountered many challenges and learned important lessons.
After a long and arduous journey, Bill and Moses reached a beautiful land flowing with milk and honey. Bill realized that this was the adventure that would change his life forever.
Reflection Questions