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Billy's Birthday Adventure

Billy woke up on his 2nd birthday and wanted to do something special for his son-in-law.

Old man with glasses and a friendly smile. holding a birthday cake with candles

He decided to write a poem for his son-in-law, all about their adventures together.

Old man with glasses and a friendly smile. sitting at a desk, writing a poem

Billy asked his friends, Bear and Frog, to help him add the poem to a book.

Old man with glasses and a friendly smile., Big brown bear with a happy face., and Green frog with a big smile and a crown. looking at a blank book

Bear had a big red pen to add the poem to the pages of the book.

Big brown bear with a happy face. holding a big red pen

Frog had a green paintbrush to paint beautiful pictures for each page.

Green frog with a big smile and a crown. holding a green paintbrush

Billy read his poem aloud to Bear and Frog, and they loved it.

Old man with glasses and a friendly smile., Big brown bear with a happy face., and Green frog with a big smile and a crown. listening to the poem

They worked together, writing and painting, to make the book special.

Old man with glasses and a friendly smile., Big brown bear with a happy face., and Green frog with a big smile and a crown. working on the book

Finally, the book was finished and ready to give to his son-in-law.

Old man with glasses and a friendly smile. holding the completed book with a smile

On his son-in-law's birthday, Billy gave him the book and they read it together.

Old man with glasses and a friendly smile. handing the book to his son-in-law

They laughed, smiled, and hugged, feeling the love and friendship in every page.

Old man with glasses and a friendly smile. and his son-in-law hugging while reading the book

Reflection Questions

  • How did Billy want to celebrate his son-in-law's birthday?
  • Who helped Billy add the poem to the book?
  • How did Billy and his son-in-law feel when they read the book together?

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