Once upon a time, there was a brave black helicopter named Blacky. He had shiny black paint and big whirling blades on top of him. Blacky lived in a big hangar with other helicopters, but he was different because he was black. The other helicopters called him Blacky because they thought it was a cool name.
Every day, Blacky would wake up early and fly around the city helping people. He would swoop down from the sky and rescue cats from trees, put out fires with his water guns, and transport injured people to the hospital. Blacky was very strong and brave, and everyone loved him. He had a big red cross on his side so people would know he was there to help.
One day, there was a big storm in the city. The wind was blowing so hard that trees were falling down and houses were shaking. Blacky knew he had to do something to keep everyone safe. He flew into the storm and used his powerful blades to block the wind from hitting the buildings. He flew back and forth, back and forth, until the storm was over.
Everyone cheered for Blacky because he was so brave. The sun came out and a rainbow appeared in the sky. Blacky felt proud of himself and knew that he had made a difference. From that day on, Blacky was known as the bravest helicopter in the city. He would always be there to help when people needed him.