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Boy Lian and Grandma's Park

Boy Lian loved playing in Grandma's park.

Little boy with curly hair and a red shirt happily playing in the park

One day, Boy Lian couldn't find his toy truck.

Little boy with curly hair and a red shirt looking sad without his toy truck

Boy Lian thought hard, asking himself where it could be.

Little boy with curly hair and a red shirt thinking and scratching his head

He remembered playing near the pond and went to look!

Little boy with curly hair and a red shirt excitedly running towards the pond

There, Boy Lian found his truck all dirty and wet.

Little boy with curly hair and a red shirt happily holding his dirty toy truck

But how could he clean it without water?

Little boy with curly hair and a red shirt with a puzzled expression

Boy Lian ran back to Grandma's house for help.

Little boy with curly hair and a red shirt running to Kind old lady with a big smile's house

Together, they found a bucket and filled it with water.

Little boy with curly hair and a red shirt and Kind old lady with a big smile finding water for the truck

Reflection Questions

  • What did Boy Lian lose in the park?
  • How did Boy Lian find his toy truck?
  • Who helped Boy Lian clean his truck?

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