Max and Lily were best friends. They loved to explore the blue sea on their little boat.
Pretend you're rowing a boat.
One sunny day, they sailed too far. The shore was nowhere to be seen!
Shade your eyes and look for land.
Max looked at Lily. 'Don't worry,' he said. 'We'll find a way back together.'
Give a friend a reassuring pat on the back.
The waves grew bigger, and the wind howled. Their little boat rocked.
Sway back and forth like a boat in the waves.
Lily held onto Max's hand. 'We must be brave,' she whispered.
Hold hands with someone and stand strong.
As night fell, the stars twinkled above. They used them to guide their way.
Point to the imaginary stars in the sky.
They told stories and sang songs to keep their spirits up.
Clap your hands to the rhythm of a song.
With each story and song, they felt a special bond grow between them.
Link arms with a friend and smile.
As dawn broke, they saw dolphins jumping near the boat.
Pretend you're a dolphin leaping from the water.
With hope in their hearts, they followed the playful dolphins.
Mimic a dolphin's motion with your hands.
The dolphins led them to a distant island, a place safe and sound.
Cheer and clap as you spot a new place.
Max and Lily found their way back home, with a new love for each other and the sea.
Give a big hug to someone like you've missed them.